W.B. Adams Company

14737 SW Millikan Way
Beaverton, OR 97003

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W.B. Adams Company Blog

Is Technology Making the Road Safer for Motorcycles?

Motorcycles have always been at a disadvantage when it comes to driving on the roads. While any type of vehicular accident is never pretty, anytime those incidents involve a motorcycle, it is never a fair fight. That’s why so many people who own and ride motorcycles in the Beaverton, OR area rely on the professional and experienced team at the W.B. Adams Company for all their motorcycle insurance needs. Insurance is the only leverage riders have when they are involved in an accident.

Can Technology Improve Road Safety for Motorcycles?

While the road will always have its share of concerns and risks, and not only for motorcycles, advancements in technology could be making a difference. In fact, in many ways, technology is making the roads a safer place for motorcycles, too. From technologies like V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle) systems to adaptive headlights and much more, technology is now providing drivers with many safety features and benefits. These advantages also equate to ideally safer roads and, specifically, fewer accidents.

The truth, however, is that regardless of how safe technology and other advancements can make driving, accidents will always be a risk. That is also why motorcycle owners in the greater Beaverton, OR area rely on motorcycle insurance solutions for the protection they need on the road.

Motorcycle Insurance for Beaverton Motorcycle Owners

Would you like to learn more about motorcycle insurance solutions or need coverage for your bike? If you live in or around the Beaverton, OR, area, we can help. Contact us to learn more and get the motorcycle insurance solutions you need and deserve at the W.B. Adams Company today.

What could occur if I dont have proper motorcycle insurance in Oregon?

The Importance of Motorcycle Insurance in Beaverton, OR

Living in the Beaverton, OR area, it’s essential to make sure that you have the right kind of insurance. If you’re a motorcycle owner, this means having a comprehensive motorcycle insurance plan. Several compelling reasons exist to get this coverage, including avoiding negative consequences. If you don’t have a proper insurance plan, you may face future difficulties.

Potential Loss of Vehicle

One common consequence of not having adequate motorcycle insurance in Oregon is the potential loss of your vehicle. If you are not covered with collision or comprehensive motorcycle insurance, you’ll have no support if your motorcycle is damaged in an accident or stolen. Replacement can pose a significant financial burden as motorcycles can be costly, and you need to source funds personally.

Violation of Agreements

Lacking a comprehensive motorcycle insurance plan can also lead to violations of multiple agreements. When buying a motorcycle, you might take out a loan, typically requiring full insurance coverage. Moreover, the state law mandates at least liability coverage. You could face various penalties if a motorcycle insurance policy does not correctly back you.

When you plan to get a motorcycle in the Beaverton, OR area, ensure you have a suitable motorcycle insurance policy. When looking for coverage in this area, consider reaching out to our team at the W.B. Adams Company. We will help you assess your options and build a plan that provides the necessary support to safeguard your vehicle.

Is Motorcycle Insurance a Requirement in All States?

So, you’ve purchased a new motorcycle and are getting things to start riding your new bike. You’re likely very excited, but you must remember to ensure your safety while riding. Of course, ensuring your safety means wearing a helmet, keeping your bike in tip-top condition, and obtaining a good motorcycle insurance policy. You might wonder if motorcycle insurance is required in Beaverton, OR, and if it’s required in all states. 

Motorcycle Insurance is Not a Requirement in All States

Motorcycle insurance is not a requirement in all states, although it’s required in most states. States that don’t require this type of insurance are: 

  • Florida
  • New Hampshire
  • Washington
  • Montana

In these states, motorcycle insurance is optional. Even though motorcycle insurance isn’t required in these states, if you ride your motorcycle there and you’re ever involved in an accident, you may be asked to provide liability insurance. If you have none, you may have to pay for damages out of pocket, which could be pretty costly, depending on the situation. 

Motorcycle Insurance is Required in Oregon

Luckily, in Oregon, you will never have to contend with having an accident and not having insurance because motorcycle insurance is mandatory in this state. Having good quality motorcycle insurance can give you peace of mind that you will be covered if something happens and you end up injuring another person or damaging their property. If you need to find an affordable policy, it’s certainly possible, so do your homework before deciding on a company.

As you can see, motorcycle insurance is mandatory in Oregon. If you need an insurance agency, you might want to give us a call at W.B. Adams Company. At W.B. Adams Company, we provide all types of insurance and cover the Beaverton, OR, area. Call today for a quote. 

I Wrecked the Bike: Now What?

So you never saw the curb until it was too late. Or maybe someone in a car wasn’t paying attention. Luckily, you were wearing your helmet and got out of this alive. Still, your bike is trashed, and you have medical bills to pay. If you have motorcycle insurance, this is where it’s supposed to pay off. So, how do you cash in on an insurance claim after a motorcycle accident?

What To Do After A Motorcycle Accident

First things first. See to your safety. Leave your motorcycle where it fell. Keep your gear on for now. Call emergency services. Stay calm and assess the situation. If you are not seriously injured, you can take out your phone and take video or still photos of the scene. If you cannot do this, you can ask a bystander to do it for you. The police will want a statement. Cooperate with them. Do not admit to any fault until you’ve had time to talk with your insurance company. Consider whether you will need legal support. 

The Aftermath

As soon as you are able, contact your insurance company and give them all the info you have about the accident. Call an attorney if you need one. Do not admit to any fault. See a doctor and follow their orders. Before agreeing to an insurance claim settlement, consider getting compensation for any lost wages, long-term impacts, or other expenses. Remember that once a settlement is finalized, it cannot be reopened. 

W.B. Adams Company Serving Beaverton, OR

If you are in the Beaverton, OR area, consider getting motorcycle insurance with W.B. Adams Company. We will treat you fairly and see that you get what’s coming. 

The importance of wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle

Wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle is an important safety measure that should not be overlooked. Motorcycle helmets are designed to protect the rider’s head in the event of a crash, as they provide cushioning and absorb impact. Without a helmet, the full force of the impact could be felt on the head and neck, potentially leading to severe injuries or death. At W.B. Adams Company, we want to keep you safe while riding the roads of Beaverton, OR and everywhere you happen to roam on your bike.

The importance of wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle

In addition to protecting riders from serious injury, wearing a helmet also has legal implications. In many countries, motorcyclists must wear a helmet at all times when riding on public roads in order to comply with local laws. Failing to do so could result in hefty fines or other penalties. 

The benefits of wearing a helmet far outweigh any potential inconvenience or discomfort that may come along with it. Not only could it save your life in the event of an accident, but it can also help you stay on the right side of the law. Next time you hit the road on two wheels, make sure you don your protective gear! It is the smart, safe, and legal thing to do!

Reach Out To Us

For more tips on how to stay safe on your bike, or if you have questions about your insurance policy, give us at W.B. Adams Company a call today. We are proud to serve the Beaverton, OR area and would be happy to help you find a motorcycle policy that meets both your needs and your budget.

Things You Should Consider Before Purchasing Motorcycle Insurance

Buying motorcycle insurance can be challenging and confusing, if not planned properly. There are certain things you need to take into consideration first before getting any specific insurance policy. Consult with W.B. Adams Company in Beaverton, OR for expert insurance advice.

What Should You Consider Before Buying Motorcycle Insurance

The things that you must always consider include the following:

  • Basic insurance policies with low premiums might not be enough.  Driving a motorcycle can be dangerous, and road accidents happen every day. Therefore, you need to make sure you have enough coverage to protect yourself. Often, cheap insurance protects motorcycles, while you remain unprotected. 
  • Modified motorcycles are usually more expensive to insure. When considering motorcycle insurance, it is better to avoid modified motorcycles because they often cause an increase in insurance premiums. Therefore, if you are thinking about buying a motorcycle and you have a limited budget, it is better to go for a normal motorcycle without any modifications.  
  • Taking an advanced riding course can reduce your premiums. The purpose of advanced riding courses is to help you become a better rider. In addition, you can also receive a discount on your insurance motorcycle. Thus, if you want to pay less for your insurance, it makes sense to complete a special course. 

Get Motorcycle Insurance Today

If you are shopping for motorcycle insurance and need help in finding a perfect insurance plan, give us a call at W.B. Adams Company in Beaverton, OR. We specialize in different types of insurance, including motorcycle insurance as well. Contact us today for more information and plans available. 

What Are The Types Of Motorcycle Insurance?

Different motorcycles and riders have different insurance coverage needs. Maybe you have invested time and money in a vintage Harley Davidson, or you are just starting out with your new motorcycle license.

Whether you are interested in more coverage for your investment or medical coverage in case of an accident, you need to know the types of coverage to include in your motorcycle insurance policy in Beaverton, OR. The agents at W.B. Adams Company are available to help all riders make the most informed decisions on their motorcycle insurance options.

Available Motorcycle Insurance Coverage

When compared to the other vehicles on the road, motorcycles are subject to unique risks. In general, they are considered to be more dangerous because the driver is exposed on top of the vehicle instead of encased in a safe space complete with airbags. Failing to wear the recommended riding attire only adds to the danger.

If the motorcycle is involved in an accident with another vehicle, it will often sustain the most damage and injuries. For this reason, there are specific insurance coverage options designed to protect riders, such as:

  • Comprehensive coverage against theft, fire, vandalism, hail, wind, and other conditions
  • Collision coverage if the bike hits an object or another vehicle while riding
  • Liability in case the rider causes property damage or bodily injury to another party
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage in case you are involved in an accident with a motorist who does not carry enough insurance to cover damages and injuries
  • Passenger liability in case someone riding on the bike with you is injured in an accident
  • Customized parts coverage for items added to your bike
  • Roadside assistance in case of a breakdown and your bike needs to be transported
  • Trip interruption coverage if you are in an accident more than 100 miles from your home in Beaverton OR
  • Transport trailer coverage for certain trailers

If you need help deciding which coverage options are right for you and your bike, contact the experienced agents at W.B. Adams Company. Give us a call today.

Do Motorcyclists Need Uninsured Motorist Coverage?

Motorcyclists know that driving without insurance is dangerous, but what many do not know is that there are a variety of add-ons to an insurance policy that can provide more assurance of security. For instance, you may wonder if uninsured motorist coverage is a good addition to your current motorcycle insurance policy.

W.B. Adams Company, which serves Beaverton, OR, can help you determine if you should consider uninsured motorist coverage. In the meantime, here’s what you need to know about it.

Oregon Insurance Requirements

Before you consider uninsured motorist coverage, you need to know the requirements in your state. Oregon does not require uninsured motorist coverage, but motorcyclists are required to have insurance to cover liability. Liability coverage comes into play if you are determined to be the responsible party in an accident. Your liability coverage may provide for property damage and medical bills for others involved.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage Is a Smart Investment

So, what happens if the other driver does not have insurance and they are responsible for the accident? That’s when uninsured motorist coverage kicks in. This coverage helps cover your insurance costs when you are left with nobody to hold responsible.

If you do not have coverage for uninsured motorists, you could be left to cover the expenses on your own. This can become expensive, and it’s a risk many drivers do not want to take. Motorcyclists are at higher risk for injuries than other drivers, which gives you all the more reason to consider adding this coverage to your policy.

Find the Right Motorcycle Coverage for You

W.B. Adams Company can help you find the right coverage for your motorcycle. If you live in Beaverton, OR, check out our website to learn more about your policy options.

Tips for Buying Motorcycle Insurance Coverage

The best time to purchase motorcycle insurance is right after you get your bike. Motorcycle coverage offers you protection against accidents, theft, breakdowns, and more. These tips from W.B. Adams Company can help you determine the scope and amount of motorcycle insurance to buy.

Consider Motorcycle Insurance Requirements in Oregon

Oregon requires that motorcycle owners carry liability insurance to cover damages of others in accidents they cause. This protects you from having to pay these damages out of your own pocket. A serious accident could deplete your savings if you had to pay for injuries or property damage independently.  Before you hit the road, make sure you have this coverage.

Consider the Value of Your Bike

Protecting your bike is just as important as protecting others. Motorcycle collision and comprehensive insurance cover your motorcycle repairs after an accident. Collision insurance covers collision damage. Comprehensive insurance covers weather damage, damage from vandalism, animal strikes, and other non-collision events. It also covers the market value of your bike if it’s stolen.

If an uninsured driver hits your bike, uninsured motorist insurance covers repair costs, so you’re not stuck with high repair bills on your own.  

Consider Your Riding Experience

If you’re a new rider, you may want as much coverage as you can get to protect yourself against the unexpected. As a new rider, you’re more prone to cause or be involved in an accident due to your lack of riding experience.

Your insurance coverage should also coincide with your lifestyle. If you only use your bike to ride to work or school in Beaverton, OR, you may not need as much coverage as someone who goes on extensive road trips.

For quality motorcycle coverage at affordable costs, call or visit W.B. Adams Company today. We service residents in Beaverton, OR, and surrounding communities. 

Three things you should know about motorcycle insurance requirements in Oregon

If you ride a motorcycle in Redmon or Beaverton, OR, it’s crucial that you’re aware of the fact that your state enforces some motorcycle insurance requirements that you need to meet. We provide motorcycle insurance to Oregon bikers at W.B. Adams Company.

The following are three things you should know about motorcycle insurance requirements in Oregon.

Bodily injury coverage requirement per individual

You can potentially be held liable if another person becomes injured in an accident that you are involved in. For these scenarios, the state requires you to carry at least $25,000 in bodily injury liability coverage on your Oregon motorcycle insurance policy.

Bodily injury coverage requirements per accident

You also need to meet coverage minimums when it comes to bodily coverage amounts per accident. Multiple individuals might experience an injury as the result of an accident you’re involved in.

In this case, you need to carry at least $50,000 in liability insurance coverage for bodily injuries per accident. 

Property damage coverage requirement

Another liability to be aware of when riding your motorcycle in Oregon is property damage liabilities. You could potentially cause damage to the property of another individual if you are involved in an accident.

In Oregon, the minimum liability coverage requirements for motorcyclists is $20,000. Your motorcycle insurance policy needs to carry at least this much property damage coverage. 

Now that you understand some details about motorcycle insurance requirements in Beaverton, OR, it’s time to find the right insurance policy. Get in touch with us at W.B. Adams Company for assistance in finding the best motorcycle insurance policy for your unique needs and preferences.