W.B. Adams Company

14737 SW Millikan Way
Beaverton, OR 97003

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W.B. Adams Company Blog

Does Car Insurance Cover Multiple Vehicles?

Owning multiple vehicles requires an insurance policy tailored to your unique situation. At W.B. Adams Company in Beaverton, OR, our team of qualified insurance professionals is ready to help you find the right policy, whether you have one, two, or more cars in your garage. If you’re unsure about the type of policy that’s ideal for you, we’re here to help.

Does Car Insurance Cover Multiple Vehicles?

Generally, an auto insurance policy typically covers only your primary vehicle, the vehicle you use most often, and is listed on the policy. However, if you own more than one vehicle, it’s time to look into other car insurance policies that cover your additional vehicles. You may even be able to secure a multi-car insurance policy designed to protect more than one car, which could be an ideal option for you.

Whether you have a partner, child, or other family member that needs to be added to your coverage, or if you need to add their vehicle to your policy, our representatives can help you find a policy that fits your unique situation. We’re skilled at listening to your circumstances and finding an adequate insurance policy that meets your needs.

If you have any questions about how many cars you can add to a policy or the insurance process if you decide to purchase another vehicle, call us at W.B. Adams Company in Beaverton, OR, today!

Three Ways to Get the Right Auto Insurance for Your Needs

Getting the best auto insurance for your needs is important. After all, you want to be sure you’re covered for any serious problems that could arise, and you want to know who to turn to if you need to make changes or if something goes wrong. Reaching out to W.B. Adams Company can help if you’re in the Beaverton, OR area and looking for the right auto policy.

Since all policies have some basics but have different additional options and choices, you want to focus on what you really need instead of just finding a policy with the basic, minimum coverage on it. Here are three of the best way to get the right auto insurance policy for your situation.

  1. Ensure you understand what kind of coverage is required by the state and your lienholder if you have one.
  2. Work with an agent to help you get the right policy designed to meet your needs and address specifics.
  3. Consider all the additional choices you can make regarding your policy, and look at the value each insurer offers.

If you let an agent help you, they can present options from multiple insurers. That’s a great way to see everything in one place and compare options from different companies. One may stand out as a much better deal, or they may all be comparable, but either way, you’ll know what works for you and which insurer is providing you with the most value.

When you want an auto insurance policy you can feel good about, for plenty of peace of mind, contact us at W.B. Adams Company. If you’re in the Beaverton, OR area, we’re here to help you find a policy that works for you.

Benefits provided by a comprehensive auto policy

Vehicle owners in the greater Beaverton, OR area can turn to the team at W.B. Adams Company for all of their insurance needs. When it comes to auto insurance, not every policy is created equally. There are some that are more robust than others, and these comprehensive policies have many advantages. If it’s time to upgrade your auto policy, give us a call today!

Major benefits of comprehensive auto policies

When it comes to auto insurance, many people start out with a primary policy that covers their basic needs. As time goes on, they start to consider updating their policy to something that is more comprehensive. If this is your current situation, you may be wondering what specific benefits these comprehensive policies provide. 

The most important feature of a comprehensive policy is the increased coverage and protection that it offers. Depending on your specific needs, you can opt for additional collision, liability, or medical expense coverage. Or, you can select a policy that provides an increased level of protection in all areas.

In addition to increased coverage, a comprehensive policy could provide features like rental car coverage if your car is rendered inoperable due to a covered event. Other features include roadside assistance services and decreasing premiums. There are a number of different options that are available when you upgrade from a basic auto policy. In fact, it is possible to craft a policy that meets all of your needs.

We are here to help you with all of your insurance needs!

W.B. Adams Company is proud to serve our friends and neighbors in the Beaverton, OR area. If you have questions about car insurance, we are here to help. Give us a call to schedule an appointment, or stop by our office today!

When Is The Best Time to Shop For New Auto Insurance?

In most states auto insurance is required by law in order to operate your vehicle. This makes choosing your auto insurance especially important. Here at W.B. Adams Company, serving Beaverton, OR, we want to make sure you are always getting the best auto insurance rates. Understanding when to shop for new auto insurance is important to always get the best deal. Let’s look at the best times to shop for new auto coverage. 

Buying a New Car

Many people shop around for better rates when they are buying a new car. Purchasing a new vehicle is a great time to do this because you will need insurance in place in order to complete your purchase if you are buying from a car dealership in most cases. 

Getting Married

When you get married it is a great idea to consider combining insurance policies. Shop around in order to find the best deals. Most auto insurance companies will also offer discounts for married couples. This can help to save money on your new combined budget. 

Teens Driving

If you have teenage children, you will need to add them to your insurance policy when they come of age for driving. This is a crucial time and you will want to make sure that you have the best rates for your auto policy. Ask about good student discounts or discounts for students who opt for taking defensive driving courses. 

Getting Older

As you get older you will discover that there are better auto insurance rates available to you. Check around with different providers to see who has the best deal for your age group. 

If you would like to learn more about our insurance products or services, please contact us at W.B. Adams Company, serving Beaverton, OR. 

My Car is in Storage. Do I Still Need Auto Insurance?

We get many types of questions at W.B. Adams Company in Beaverton, OR. One common question is how putting a car in storage affects your auto insurance needs. Can you drop insurance when your car is in storage? Is it a good idea to cancel your policy? We are here to give you the answers.

Am I Legally Required to Keep Insurance on My Vehicle In Storage?

According to Oregon law, if your vehicle will not be driven on public roads, you are not required to carry liability insurance coverage. However, if you have a lien on the vehicle, your lender may require full coverage insurance on the vehicle even if it is not on the road. Even though you aren’t legally required to keep insurance coverage for a vehicle in storage unless it’s in your lien contract, you should consider doing so. 

Should I Carry Insurance on a Vehicle in Storage? 

There are a few reasons to keep some insurance policy on your vehicle while it’s in storage. The first is that the vehicle can still be damaged in storage. Vandalism and natural disasters are risks, whether your vehicle is being driven or not. Comprehensive coverage is specifically for damage that occurs when you aren’t on the road. 

Second, it can impact your relationship with your insurer. If you drop coverage completely, you may be considered high risk, particularly if the insurance company doesn’t know why you have dropped coverage. You must go through obtaining insurance again before you can drive the vehicle, and your premiums might be higher. 

W.B. Adams Company Auto Insurance

At W.B. Adams Company in Beaverton, OR, we know that vehicle damage isn’t limited to driving. Our agents take a customer-centered approach. We will discuss your specific needs and help you choose the right coverage for you at this time. 

Oregon Road Laws You Might Not Know

Of course, you know the general rules of the road. You know to go on green and stop on red, you know to pull over when you hear sirens. But there are some other laws that Oregon drivers might not know:

  • If you’re pulled over under suspicion of DUI, you can request a breathalyzer or other test to prove your innocence. And, if you’re not happy with the results, you can request a follow-up test by a qualified professional to double-check the first.
  • It is illegal to leave your car running if you are not in it. It doesn’t matter if you’re hopping out for five seconds or an hour. If your car’s running, you need to be behind the wheel.
  • You are required to take the keys out of your car after parking it.
  • There are a few exceptions to seatbelt laws: If you’re delivering newspapers,  are performing sanitation work, are in a motorhome, are in the beltless seat of a pickup, or if you have a note from your doctor saying that you can’t wear a seatbelt.
  • It is a first-degree misdemeanor to present a police officer with canceled insurance. This can be an honest mistake, but it could also be seen as obstruction and an attempt at fraud.

Generally speaking, if you drive safe and follow the signs, you’re probably driving within the law in Oregon, but it’s always good to know the laws and to know your rights.

If you’re still insurance-shopping, give W.B. Adams Company a call or visit our office in Beaverton, OR. W.B. Adams Company can get you covered with the protection you need.