Your rental property could cause injuries or damage to property. Have you considered the risks associated with your rental? Review the categories that follow. Then, modify your rental insurance policy as you see fit.
Slip and Fall Risks
A slip-and-fall could be serious. A person who slips while staying in your rental could become injured and require medical intervention.
If you do not have adequate liability protection, you could be responsible for paying any medical bills that the injured person incurs. The injured person could sue you, ultimately leading to you being held responsible for the injury that occurred.
Potential Physical Damage
Physical damage could occur, and you could be held liable. For example, a person’s vehicle could be damaged while parked on your rental property.
Damage to a person’s personal belongings could take place within your rental. If you do not have renters’ insurance, you could be responsible for paying for any damage for which you are found at fault.
Conducting a Rental Assessment
Conducting an assessment of your rental property is an easy way to determine what type of insurance protection you need. During an assessment, you should plan on recording information about any liability risks that you have determined.
If there are steps inside your rental unit, for example, you may be concerned about the possibility of someone falling down the steps. Keeping a careful record of any liability risk that you have discovered will help you acquire the proper amount of renters’ insurance coverage.
Updating Your Renters’ Insurance Policy in Oregon
Contact one of our agents at W.B. Adams Company. An agent who serves Beaverton, OR will update your renters’ insurance policy for you. They will increase the type of liability protection that you have selected.